CFE: These are Profeco’s recommendations to save your electricity bill

Everyone can use some recommendations to save a few pesos every month. D Federal Consumer Protection Agency (PROFECO) issued by shared some factors to take into account to reduce the bimonthly cost of electric power services Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). Whether you spend too much on this item every two months or you just want to reduce your overall spending a bit, follow these recommendations to improve efficiency.

These are Profeco’s recommendations

  • USA Energy saving bulbs o LED
  • Check if your refrigerator has a seal Trust for Electrical Energy Savings (FIDE)This document only guarantees the efficiency of the new product.
  • Turn off light bulbs and electrical appliances when you are not using them at home. In that sense, If you can disconnect a computer It’s best to stay outside as much as possible.
  • Make sure your refrigerator is as far away from the stove as possible.Because heat will require more energy to cool properly.
  • as far as possible, Unplug the iron and take advantage of its heat In moments when it’s getting cold

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  • Every time you use the washing machine, fill it up.; This way you can take advantage of both electrical power and water volume
  • Avoid connecting too many devices to the same socket
  • Check your electrical installation for leaks; If you have old contacts, try changing them for the TTR model.
  • Take advantage of what you can natural light
  • Do not refrigerate hot food
  • use dryer Only when it rains

If you follow most of these tips, It is very possible that you continue with the subsidy provided by CFE To those who keep their electricity consumption in a low range.

Note that when you are reclassified to Domestic High Consumption Rate (DAC), the contract subsidy disappears for twelve months.

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