The judicial reform initiative proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which seeks, among other measures, to elect judges and magistrates by popular vote and create a judicial disciplinary court, was approved this morning by the Chamber of Deputies.

After 72 speakers who issued their positions, Legislators supported the motion with 359 in favor, 135 against and 0 abstentions. This is more than the two-thirds vote required to amend the Constitution. This initiative will be taken following the legislative procedure Discussed separately and then will go to the Senate.

It is expected that it will be sent to the local congress in the third week of September and will return to President López Obrador for circulation and publication in the last week of the month. In the Official Gazette of the Federation.

The debate on the president’s initiative took place with some chaos, after which the Morena, PT and PVEM benches folded themselves and advanced the discussion to an alternative place in the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro, where the PRI, PAN and its deputies were present. MC, who made himself heard with the protest and banner with the legend “No equality without justice.”

In discussion, Cherries assured that the reform is a request from the citizens who gave them a majority. In contrast, the opposition condemned a reform wastedA product of retaliation against the judiciary, which did not yield to the executive department.

The lower house was in session, despite three moratoriums against discussion of the initiative, the latest issued yesterday by Martha Magana López, the fifth district judge of the state of Morelos and a judge of that nation’s Supreme Court. The judicial branch has joined the suspension of proceedings which it started about two weeks ago.


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