The creation of the new Judicial Disciplinary Court, whose function will be to administer, monitor and discipline the judicial branch of the Federation, is a positive element of judicial reform. With approved by the Chamber of Deputies yesterday 359 votes in favor and 153 against. Legal experts said this on the advice of this medium.
The court will be dedicated to monitoring the performance of judges and will be one of two new bodies that will replace the Federal Judiciary Council (CJF) with the judicial administrative body.
Marcos Rosario Rodríguez, director of the political and legal studies department of ITESO, considers that the existence of an organization that monitors the actions of judges and magistrates is necessary, so that they perform their duties properly.
“It is good that there is an organization that monitors judges and that their conduct, both personally and professionally, meets ethical minimums and that their actions comply with the law.”
Carlos Ramiro Ruiz, Director of the Legal Studies Department of the University Center for Social Sciences and Humanities of the UDEG, who was supported by Alfonso Partida Caballero, head teacher of the Public Law Department, mentioned the benefits of the new court.
“(It will be) a modern organization that strengthens the system of administrative responsibility, which Ensuring effective investigation and enforcement of sanctions against public servants who engage in acts of corruption.”
The new Judicial Disciplinary Court aims to correct the problems of the Federal Judiciary Council To monitor and approve their staff.
This is what the investigation revealed From 2000 to 2023, the Judiciary filed only 23 criminal charges and no convictions against judges and magistrates who committed disciplinary offenses, such as workplace harassment, or felonies, such as illicit enrichment or sexual harassment.
Along with greater vigilance in the work of the Judiciary Department, the advice of three experts has been brought up through this medium Other benefits of the reforms: separating the presidency of the nation’s Supreme Court justices from the judicial council, fighting corruption and nepotism, reducing ministers from 11 to nine (which allowed for budget cuts), and reducing court tenure from 15 to 12 years.
Amid concerns about the impending approval of the President’s initiative in the Senate, the United States Ambassador to our country, Ken Salazar, He played down tensions and said Mexico would continue to be his country’s most important partner no matter what happens with reforms. “Economic integration will continue, we have a very strong relationship, 230 million customers in the United States and 130 million in Mexico, the economy will remain strong.”
Also, Morelos’ Fifth District Judge, Martha Magana Lopez, granted a fixed suspension Against the negotiation and approval of judiciary reform, which seeks to block its approval in the Senate.
Concerns about reforms for EU companies
Yesterday, after a marathon session, the Chamber of Deputies, where Morena and its allies are in the majority, generally and specifically legalized the reform of the judiciary and handed it over to the Senate of the Republic for analysis and final approval.
In an article, Michael Stott, Latin America editor Financial Times, In Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and proposed judicial reforms approved by deputies have generated several concerns in the business sector.
He exemplified it In cases where a foreign company faces a state competitor that competes unfairly and is supported by a judge aligned with the ruling party, In addition to being threatened by tax authorities, they may occur in countries such as Russia, but not in any of the North American countries that are the United States’ largest trading partners.
He added that there is concern among business leaders about plans to rewrite the country’s constitution to include, through a popular vote, the abolition of autonomous regulators, including the Supreme Court, and other measures including judicial reform.
With these steps, the President of Mexico aims to complete his project called “Fourth Transformation”.